Winter’s here, so it’s time to prepare your home for the cold season. A fireplace can change your home’s aesthetic quality and ambiance. However, maintaining fireplaces is another story. Wood burning and gas fireplaces are difficult to clean and maintain. In addition, they also pose health and fire hazards. Electric fireplaces are a better alternative to their wood and gas counterparts. Here are five reasons to invest in an electric fireplace.
Where to Find Electric Fireplaces
1. Adds Value and Comfort
Electric fireplaces add value and comfort to your home by reducing your energy bills and creating a warm and desirable space. A room that combines relaxation, functionality, and social perspectives is a great spot for spending time with your loved ones. Electric fireplaces also come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes, so you can always find one that complements your décor. If you plan to sell your house in the future, the added comfort and value would be a unique selling point for your property.
2. Easy Installation
Electric fireplaces are plug-and-play units that deliver instant heat. You only need some wood framing and finishing materials to install one in your home. For wall-mounted units, you need to prepare wall studs. If you prefer insert or built-in fireplaces, you’ll have to ensure proper clearances and framing. There’s no need for gas lines or special venting. The straightforward installation process makes electric fireplaces an ideal option for those who want to get one without breaking the bank.
3. Equipped with Useful Features
Apart from creating life-like flames that flicker, modern electric fireplaces can create stunning displays through multicolor flames in effervescent hues of green, blue, and more. You can adjust the flicker speed, brightness, and color of the flames to fit your mood or décor on a particular day. Some electric fireplaces also have a timer, thermostat controls, and overheat protection. These features help reduce unnecessary usage, allowing you to save money on your heating bills.
4. Safe to Operate
Electric fireplaces are perfect for families with pets and little kids since these units have no open flames. The fan and element are enclosed behind metal grills, preventing any risk of burns. Most units have remote control functions for easy and safe operation. In addition, you can integrate electric fireplaces with your smart home solution and control them using your smartphone.
5. Cost-efficient
Electric fireplaces are more cost-efficient than a wood burning fireplace since you don’t have to build a chimney, flue, or vent. It also doesn’t create real smoke or flames, so it’s a great option for people with breathing or respiratory problems like asthma. Furthermore, it requires little maintenance since you don’t need to clean the chimney or buy firewood. Electric fireplace inserts are also available for those who prefer zone heating. This heating method allows you to heat rooms in your house while keeping the central thermostat lower.

Where to Find Electric Fireplaces
Electric fireplaces are a functional, efficient, and aesthetically captivating alternative to wood and gas fireplaces. If you’re ready for a fireplace upgrade, contact us to find an extensive selection of electric fireplaces from top brands in Waco, TX.