Due to increased demands and shortages industry wide, These selections are regularly ordered but call for availability.
If you don’t see a selection for your project, please contact us at (254) 772-3450 or view manufacturer’s website.
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Beautiful Brick Materials for Your Home
Brick is classic and timeless. Brick keeps your home temperate and comfortable in any climate. Darden Building Materials carries a wide variety of superior value and quality brick products.
Brick’s proven reliability passes the test of time in any environment. Its insulating capabilities and passive solar heat retention make brick equally suitable for southern summers and northern winters. Furthermore, brick’s “thermal mass” prevents extreme temperature fluctuations on the outside of your home from affecting the comfort of you and your family

With brick you can dream any design, and transform it into a beautiful, living experience. It doesn’t matter if your tastes tend toward Colonial or Contemporary, Classic or Modern, quietly understated in traditional lines or boldly announced in a look that’s ahead of its time — brick makes for an unmistakably individual home.We know that not every brick is created equal nor can it be used for each project. For that reason, we have partnered with some of the top producing manufacturers of brick in order to better serve our customers.Come on in to see our entire selection, or visit our Virtual Brick Projects.