
Darden Building Materials

In a recent study with Realty Times, it was noted that hardwood floors could significantly increase the value of your home. There are so many benefits to having wood floors, ranging from the durability they have for wear and tear, to the ease of cleaning them.

If you are looking to get wood floors in your home, you have many more options than you might think. There are so many different wood floor patterns, and finding the one that suits you and your home is key. Keep reading to discover the five trendiest wood floor patterns.  

1. Herringbone Pattern 

The herringbone pattern is a favorite because it adds flair to your wood floors without overpowering the room. To install the herringbone pattern yourself, lay the hardwood strips in a diagonal zigzag design. 

Herringbone is often compared to twilled fabric. You can easily find images of this to replicate. Or, leave it up to the professionals who can perfect it for you.  

2. Diagonal Pattern 

You can’t go wrong with the classic diagonal pattern for your wood flooring. This can add a more formal look to your home, which can be perfect for sitting rooms or dining rooms. To achieve this, you lay the floorboards at a 45-degree angle. 

Utilizing your space and laying the boards corner to corner will elongate the room and create the illusion that it is a larger area. Because of this, diagonal patterns are great for smaller apartments or spaces. 

3. Wide Plank Pattern 

Wide plank patterns are considered one of the best wood floor ideas because of what they add to your room. Longer and wider planks make your room look much bigger while toning down the busyness. You will install these in a straight pattern, laying the planks parallel to one another going the entire length of the room.  

4. Parquet Pattern 

Parquet patterns are trendy because they are much like a work of art. The wood is laid in a geometric pattern that resembles a checkerboard. This can become even more complex when there are multiple patterns within each square that is created. 

Parquet can be an expensive option because of how much skill is required to achieve this pattern properly. However, when done correctly, it can make your home look sophisticated and unique. 

5. Random Pattern 

The random pattern is perfect for customizing your home while utilizing all of the wood that you can. You can install this by laying the wood boards parallel to each other along the length or width of the room. Unlike the regular straight pattern, the individual widths of each board can vary in size. 

This will create dimension to your room and make it unique and individualistic. You can customize it to fit your space while giving it a warm and rustic feel.  

Trendiest Wood Floor Patterns 

These are the five trendiest wood floor patterns of 2020, and you can’t go wrong with choosing any one of them. They are timeless and classic patterns that are sure to stand the test of time while making your home unique. 

Dive through these and find the pattern that best suits you. Contact us today, and we can help make your wood floor dreams a reality.